Mark Life

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First Post

Well I'd rather it was the first post than the "Last-Post"!

I see I can put a label on the posts and the examples are...scooters, vacation and fall. Hmm which shall I use? This is going to be much harder than I thought. I will now try and arrange a day where I can use all 3 of these labels on one post. Or maybe I'm missing the point.

Anyway. Today I am mostly being in London. I work in a charming little 1970's concrete Lego building by the river, just along for Gabriels that should be easy to work out, without giving the whole game away.

Well I say I work here, but that's not entirely it, you see. I work anywhere and everywhere and really when I'm in the concrete Lego place it means I'm not really working.

Well I am..but not really...oh this is too hard. I'll try something easier...errrr...if you take a big tube and fill it with combustibles and then set fire to the combustibles so that much hot air is forced out of the tube..the tube moves. See ...Rocket Science is much easier.

