Mark Life

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The owl and the Pussycat

Went to sea?

So I went to see.
The owl.... I will in future adopt his majestic demeanour, and be all wise, all knowing, and rarely turn my gaze upon things which make much noise.

The boat? Well it didn't quite do what boats are supposed to do. My thoughts are with the captain, who swam ashore and ate a hearty dinner...and wrapped himself round a goodly quantity of Gronstedts Extra I shouldn't wonder.

On the way home he no doubt had a moment to savour life at 59 North. Perhaps the lights over the water cheered him on his way back to Gamly?


Anonymous Will S said...

Mr Edsforth... where have you been? Where have you gone? I return to London (albeit temporarily) from colder lands and I find my office coffee partner has left the building and become trapped in a website.

January 29, 2008 1:35 PM  

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