Buffers and Bison

Hello Dear Reader,Been a little slow getting one's thoughts together lately. For which my apologies. Seems I've been busy thumping a star shaped piece of software into a square shaped client. Still. Give or take the odd bit of sawdust... it's in place. Sorry, be delighted to show you my latest creation, but it's hidden behind severe security on this occasion....and I mean Severe!!Took the day off today. Well Mr Bear turned up from Bear-Land....so I had to be there...Wie geht es Dir? (When specing tin.....make it big!)The night after we had a going-live dinner with all and sundry. Apparently there was "buffering" . (A term unique to this blog...like the NYLON DIODE. (Buffering: Originally what trains do when they bump into each other, but they have buffers. So buffering is when the train comes into contact with another train, and so the buffers hit first) People are the same apparently. Well there are occasions when I get so tired it's all I can do to be polite and not notice the bufferings. Twas one. I am so digging deep into the store of energy which is sorely depleted by the sawdust event that I wouldn't see a buffer from a buffalo. (Although I think I saw a Bison last weekend...who knows. Could've been a moose or a bison!Got there. But dear me it wasn't easy. And lessons learned? Yes. "A closed mouth gathers no feet"G'night