Of course dear reader we all know it should be happy happy joy joy! However on this occasion the happy happy is for little Pinga who is now well and truly betrothed to Flying Ant. A quick trip back to Blighty last weekend resulted in a small landing craft full of champagne and other assorted beverages as we heartily celebrated this news. Thanks to Mol for the arrangings and Si for the Bubbles.
(For my restaurant readers it was QSF on the quay in my city. Eating nicely 7/10)
Looking forward to hearing the plans Pinga...shan't interfere!
Back here my client had quite forgotten what we were here to do as we arrived back after summer, and so also it seems had my team....so it's been a tad busy.....hence the blog blackout.
I'm not quite sure why but I'm not enjoying being here as much as before. It's become rather dull and dreary. If I were writing Tess of the D'Urbervilles it woiuld definitely be a passage of gathering turnips in winter as opposed to the summer meadows scenario. (Yes it is raining today but that's not it. ....Can't quite put my finger on it.....
Meanwhile, I am constantly reminded that we should treat people as we wish to be treated and when we don't we shouldn't be surprised if we get back something we don't like!!!
I quite like a simple life really so perhaps I should stick to it.
Take care dear readers..I'll be back with more soon.