Yes, that was it, I remember now. It was probably not what I was expecting. It is very clever, but so clever that the actors seemed to be finding it quite difficult to deliver and the audience therefore found it hard to respond. Not because they were being challenged, but because much of it whooshed over their heads, hit the back wall and fell rather messily on the empty back seats. There were some moments of open humour but because these are interspersed with much darker humour it clunks. It should flow. I also felt like I knew people who were like this in real life, so it made me cringe a bit.
Still, Billie P. is definitely easy on the eye, Laurence F. plays a very good "nice-but-dim" with Kris M. rather less convincing as a coke snorting philanderer. All in all it was 4 out of 10 I think. Well perhaps 5 as they don't drag it out.
Later on I retired for post theatre supper to After disappointment earlier this week I was pleased to find that this place is still eating nicely. Good menu, good service, good food. It is definitely still on form, so that restored some faith in one's list of places to go.
Moving on a little, if the big tube is fitted with gyros, especially the latest ring laser gyros which feed signals to the steering mechanism telling the steering how to move the big tube, then we are definitely in the realms of ring laser telemetry, which is very advanced rocket science.
Not sure what I'm doing today. Might pop into Brompton Oratory. I'll let you know.