Mark Life

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Another Weekend is Stockholm

Hello Dear readers. Yes, once again this weekend was indeed spent in Stockholm. First a very long walk, partly joined by big fellow on the phone. All the way to Skansen with a stop off at the well recommended Vasa Museum. One thing about being in Stockholm is that one is never very far from the sea, so that Vasa museum seems very apt....and viewing nicely it is too. Thanks for the tip, dear reader!

Sunday afternoon, and a trip to Bromma airfield to establish the difficulties of letting one loose with a machine to slip the surly bonds. As ever in GA there was much joint ground and many an aviating fellow to meet. It doesn't seem too difficult although the lack of one's licence (at home on the desk) was an expected hindrance. Suffice to say I was treated to a trip with Anders, who is going through the heady procedures of MEP...and I now have very fond memories of Anders trying to get a Diamond twin to climb with only one donk, with some language I best never repeat, whilst the delightful Miss Anders kept asking "everything good?" in a very brave way! Go, Anders, learn that touch drill!

Later, I visited a beer hall. I think the only way to do this is with a German?...and Christophe, the "Dusseldorf Bear" was kind enough to accompany me and demonstrate the procedure for drinking a German Boot...keep the boot horizontal, and then one won't finish up wearing too much beer. As I retire having watched Anders and Christophe both grappling with the horizontalness of their procedures. I feel a horizontalness of my own coming on.

The moral for today dear readers is therefore: Keep it Horizontal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

horizontal has always been my favourite position! so i like your moral of the week. looking forward to the next one.

May 18, 2007 6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

horizontal has always been my favourite position! so i like your moral of the week. looking forward to the next one.

May 19, 2007 2:37 PM  

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