LSD in my marmalade
Today I decided to make a smoothie for breakfast. I mix raspberrrys, blackberries, blue berries, cranberry, creme fraiche and sparkling water. Its yummy. Well anyway I popped it all in the blender which looked perfectly you can see what's coming next.
Jyce, (who is a dear and comes round to Jyce my house and shirts every week) had Jyced the blender back together as a booby trap so it flew up in the air launching the ingredients of the smoothie in a stunning whirl of colours. They seemed to travel quite slowly and went up the wall, reminding me vaguely of the jungle being napalmed, down my dressing gown, and looped almost laconically in the direction of the fridge. Clearly at this early stage, I wasn't fully awake and I was like whoa, what's occuring...either the ingredients want to get back in the fridge or someone has put LSD in my marmalade! However, having sniffed the marmalade and then inspected the blender I decided that Jyce can sometimes replicate the characteristics of Kato. I left the kitchen muttering "not now Kato this is not the time"
All of this prompted me to return to the kitchen and decide I should redecorate. Damn. Perhaps there was after all something in the marmalade.
Dearest father, I have hidden my invlovement with your website as you may/may not see.
If you should wish to have (as I do) a nice piccy of oneself and a short description please email it me and I shall arrange for them to appear as normal (or I might make one up).
Otherwise this blog is reading hilariously!
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