Mark Life

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I love Bella...and Should I bring Myyyrrrrhhh

Now, where was I?

Oh yes, Jyce came round yesterday and spotted the step-ladder, commenting on how handy it would be. I mentioned that I had decorated the kitchen and she looked round and said "well, it's very nice but it didn't really need it" but. it. oh never mind. Kato!!!

Introducing Bella.

As some of you know dear readers, I recently swapped one fine Gentlemans carriage for another. (The trend here is that both are manufactured in England) see

I think it takes a little while to get to know one's new carriage but now Bella and I (after Bella Tromba.... famous Park Lane band) are driving nicely....However, I notice that Bella growls, much like Little Fellow. At much less than 3500 rpm she hums along a background to the rythm of the road. But, when prompted Bella growls too.... as if to say "are there dragons ahead? I'll growl at them" And growl she does; up to a real blues-bordering on jazz, stage ripping note that would fairly scare any dragon...and should the dragon be slightly left or right of track she can easily alter course, still growling, but with a squeal of delight. Lovin' it.
One other observation from today, dear readers, brings us back to rocket science. There is a very bright object in the Western sky about 095 deg. / 20 deg. azim. at nightfall. I have noticed this for the last month and either:

  1. It's time to mount up the camel and travel a long way armed with a goodly quantity of Myrrh, (if I can find an honest Myrrh dealer in Yellow Pages) Or:

  2. It's possibly MIR the space station as it reaches the end of it's days.

Any guidance, dear readers, gratefully received. Mir? Myrrh? What do you think?


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